Thai food is very popular in the West, and Thai restaurants are becoming increasingly common in America. Here are the most important Dining Etiquette in Thailand that you must know.



Because you must never pour your own drink (be it beer or tea), you must always be alert throughout the meal as to whether your neighbor’s cup or glass needs refilling. If it is less than half full, it needs refilling; alternately, if yours is less than half full, your neighbor is obliged to refill it.


If he or she does not, do not refill it yourself, for this will cause your neighbor to lose face: instead, diplomatically indicate your need by pouring a little more drink into your neighbor’s glass, even if it doesn’t really need it.


If you are the honored guest, you will be expected to make a toast, usually soon after the host does or at the end of the meal, just before everyone departs.



Chopsticks are not traditionally used in Thailand, except when eating Chinese dishes in a Chinese restaurant.


In Thailand, spoons and forks are used (never knives). If you need to cut things, use the side of your spoon first, then move on to the fork if necessary. If you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand and the fork in your left.



Rice is generally served in separate bowls, not on the same plate with your food. While rice is a staple, it is not necessary to eat every grain in your bowl; leaving some over is fine.


In fact, if you eat everything in your rice bowl or on your plate, it means you want more. Do not take the last bit of food from a central serving plate; that means there will be none left in case someone else wants some.


Also, a sauce may be mixed with the rice, and the main dish may be eaten with the rice, unlike the practice in Japan. You are expected to hold the rice bowl by your mouth, take a bit of food and sauce from the plate below, hold it over the rice bowl and shovel it all in together.


If you’re eating noodles or broth, it is not appropriate to slurp the food; however hot tea may be slurped quietly to cool it off as it enters the mouth.



Toothpicks are generally used at the end of the meal. The best way to handle a toothpick is to work away with one hand, while keeping the other hand in front of it over the mouth, as a sort of mask.



The most honored position is at the middle of the table, with the second most important person seated next. This means that the host will sit at the middle of the table on one side, and the honored guest in the middle on the other side, opposite the host. The honored guest sits on the side of the table farthest from the door.



Do not begin to eat or drink until the oldest man at the table has been served and has begun. It is appropriate to thank the host at the end of the meal for the fine food.


When eating in a restaurant, you may be required to share a table. If so, do not force conversation: act as if you are seated at a private table. Also, tipping is not really found in Thailand.


If you’re craving for some Thai dish, come and see what we have here in Yummy Thai Irving! You’ll surely be delighted in our wide range of Thai dishes. Aroi mak mak!